Keith H
Question: when I press clutch to shift into higher gears it sounds like the engine is reving-like I'm pressing
When I press the clutch and shift into higher gears, the engine sounds like it is reving-like I'm pressing the gas a little. Usually just happens between 3rd and 4th never - never happens when downshifting- Help???
Car Brakes: How Do You Know When to Change Them?
By Zach Bowman For those who suffer a daily commute through heavy traffic, your vehicle's braking system can bring thousands of pounds of metal, plastic and empty Starbucks cups to a stop hundreds of times before you get to work. It goes without saying that these pieces wear out, but they do so slowly, meaning you may not notice they need attention until ...
By Brian Alexander
DriverSide Overview
BMW’s nomenclature is getting a bit wordy as of late. What used to be nothing more than a few numbers and the ubiquitous “i" denoting fuel injection has recently morphed into an awkward amalgamation of marketing non-words and alphanumerics. More worrying still, the numbers appearing on the Bavarian autom ...